Comments Rating Link
In perfect condition and came with little handmade accessories!
- Pom pom (Buyer)
Positive (11/05/24) Red Robin Hood 11/05/24
Great buyer ! Thank you for this pleasant transaction
- Ch0kotoff (Seller)
Positive (03/10/21) Infanta - oil painting JSK 03/10/21
We met up in person and she paid bank transfer. It was fast and my experience was lovely. A+++ buyer
- acidraiin (Seller)
Positive (02/12/21) Marie Antoinette ~Beautiful Splendid Queen Portrait~ JSK I (Pink x Yellow) 02/12/21
Good transaction, they messaged me asking for a shipping quote after they placed a bid on the garment and was prompt in all communications. They paid promptly and let me know when the dress arrived to them. I hope you enjoy the set!
- Shilen (Seller)
Positive (02/04/21) Der Seufzer der Eurydice Special Set 02/04/21