Comments Rating Link
Great buyer, easy to communicate with and paid in a timely manner!
- frillsandthrills (Seller)
Positive (12/19/19) US shipping included! Black and gold clock bag 12/19/19
Wonderful buyer, payed quickly and very friendly. Thank you!
- Ekku_Zakku (Seller)
Positive (01/06/19) Arca et Ovis Little Deamon Blouse (Red) 01/06/19
Wonderful buyer, payed quickly and very friendly. Thank you!
- Ekku_Zakku (Seller)
Positive (01/06/19) Arca et Ovis Bat Wing Jacket 01/06/19
Great buyer would highly reccomend
- athenaak (Seller)
Positive (07/06/18) Ap guilty meltin sweets town jsk in navy 07/06/18
It was a pleasure selling to you :)
- under_babydoll (Seller)
Positive (07/05/18) AATP Wonder Rabbit's Magical Trump Tea Party Lucky Pack 07/05/18
Lovely buyer, pleasant communication. Fast payment. Thank you very much!
- ametista_nocturnia (Seller)
Positive (06/28/18) Dark Box Kostelík Vech savtych a kostnicí JSK II - grey, short version, size XL 06/28/18