Comments Rating Link
This skirt is great on its own or as an underskirt. I am very happy with this seller and the product was in great condition. Thank you!
- Gwennygirl (Buyer)
Positive (04/14/14) Milky Ange White Skirt 04/14/14
I love this beret! It is the perfect blue n black combination and will go nicely with many of my coords. Thank you!
- Gwennygirl (Buyer)
Positive (04/14/14) Felted Blue x Black Beret 04/14/14
Received my skirt, fast shipping. Exactly as described. Thank you. :)
- lolitashay (Buyer)
Positive (04/04/14) Metamorphose Fully Shirred Skirt 04/04/14
Highly recommended, a great buyer
- Lenorelolita (Seller)
Positive (03/12/14) 27 cm Black glitter shoes – Dear Lenore 03/12/14