Comments Rating Link
great buyer, thanks!!!! :)
- whitefrosty (Seller)
Positive (09/26/19) Angelic Pretty Fantasy Theater Gilet JSK in Red 09/26/19
The dress was just as described! No defects, just as stated. The postage was fast. The seller replied to messages really fast. Overall she was extremely helpful and friendly!
- colornom (Buyer)
Positive (06/10/15) NWT: AATP Angel OP With Chest Ribbon for colornom 06/10/15
Great transaction
- quichedujour (Seller)
Positive (12/14/14) A&tP Trick Hat, Pricked Heart headbow in black 12/14/14
Got it and I'm absolutely delighted! Thank you~!
- Sateisa (Buyer)
Positive (08/12/14) Black Bodyline JSK L387 size 2L 08/12/14