Comments Rating Link
Wonderful seller! Was willing to work out a short payment plan. Shipped so quickly!
- LadyHydrangea (Buyer)
Positive (06/11/17) Long Ears & Sharp Ears Studios Stardust Jewel JSK I SET in Navy 06/11/17
Seller was kind and shipped fast! Blouse is in great condition. There was also a free pair of socks included! Thanks so much!
- cam314 (Buyer)
Positive (05/25/17) Fanplusfriend The Sacred Academy of Alexandria Blouse in Brown Lady 80 05/25/17
A very reasonable and kind buyer. Would gladly sell to again. :)
- berridel (Seller)
Positive (05/07/17) Rose Museum Full JSK Set in Dusty Pink! ON HOLD! 05/07/17
Perfect buyer, I'd gladly sell to them again :)
- savikins (Seller)
Positive (05/04/17) NWT AP Rose Museum Tights Pink (FREE US SHIPPING) 05/04/17
I appreciated the smooth transaction. Thank you very much!
- iowngameware (Seller)
Positive (04/28/17) Angelic Pretty Baked Sweets Parade tights in pink 04/28/17
Great buyer! Super fast payment and reply!
- ebbilin (Seller)
Positive (08/08/16) Stardust Jewel JSK I SET 08/08/16