Comments Rating Link
Wonderful buyer! Paid quickly and answered messages quickly. They let me know when the item was received and left feedback asap! Thank you!!
- FlyawayRenee (Seller)
Positive (07/24/22) Moco moco bunnies wristcuffs 07/24/22
Super quick and great communication! Just as described, would buy from again
- Santina (Buyer)
Positive (07/02/22) Strawberry Witch/Ichigo Mikou Gold and Silver Double Tree Star Fancy Blouse 07/02/22
Great buyer fast and on time. <3
- HimeChii (Seller)
Positive (06/28/22) Angelic Pretty Shadow Dream Carnival Special OP Set 06/28/22
Excellent buyer!! Excellent communication and fast payment! It was a real pleasure to sell her! I definitely recommend her as a buyer ♡
- Sellam Dorith (Seller)
Positive (06/12/22) Alice And The Pirates Magical Popping Fantasy OP Set 06/12/22
Good buyer!
- gingercat (Seller)
Positive (06/30/20) Angelic Pretty Magic Princess OP 06/30/20
Good buyer!
- gingercat (Seller)
Positive (06/30/20) Angelic Pretty Eternal Carnival Special JSK Set 06/30/20
Buyer was super quick with payment. Answered promptly. Highly recommend.
Positive (02/13/20) Holy Lantern OP in Black with tights 02/13/20
Smooth and hassle-free transaction! Thanks!
- kurodatenshi (Seller)
Positive (08/23/18) [Free Intl shipping] BTSSB Vellsarie Folding Umbrella 08/23/18
Very polite, good communication and payment was done swiftly! Awesome buyer, thank you so much and I hope you'll enjoy! x)
- hariina (Seller)
Positive (08/13/18) Tricolor Ribbon OTKs (Ivory x Blue) 08/13/18