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Comments Rating Link
Kind and reliable buyer, responded and paid quickly. Thank you so much! 🎀
- Nostique (Seller)
Positive (11/08/21) Angelic Pretty - Dramatic Rose OTK socks lavender 11/08/21
Lovely buyer with fast payment and great communication.Thank you<3
- Chanyeolexo (Seller)
Positive (11/04/21) AP British Bear Headbow in green 11/04/21
Lovely buyer with fast payment and great communication.Thank you<3
- Chanyeolexo (Seller)
Positive (11/04/21) AP Memory Library OP in black 11/04/21
Fast payment and great communication.
- Bonbon23 (Seller)
Positive (11/04/21) Black colorway Chocolate Addiction With Your Sweet Memories JSK 11/04/21
A+++++ Buyer
- darkmaid (Seller)
Positive (11/03/21) Angelic Pretty Dress Up Tea Cup BLUE ring *FREE SHIPPING* 11/03/21
A+++++ Buyer
- darkmaid (Seller)
Positive (11/03/21) Violet Fane Necklace SET *FREE SHIPPING* 11/03/21
Nice buyer and payed fast, we hadn’t any problem at all!
- Chocola93 (Seller)
Positive (10/28/21) Angelic Pretty NWT Bunny College Crew Length socks in black 10/28/21
Friendly seller and the dress arrived in perfect condition. Thank you :)
- Trina (Buyer)
Positive (10/17/21) Infanta ~ Alice Magic Book JSK in sax 10/17/21
Wonderful Buyer! Everything went smoothly, the buyer was quick to pay, and responded quickly to messages. Thank you!
- Jayden (Seller)
Positive (10/17/21) Angelic Pretty Cameo Window Brown JSK 10/17/21
Thank you for your purchase. Great buyer.
- greeneyesgirl (Seller)
Positive (10/15/21) Alice and the Pirates Tricolor OTKs (2020) 10/15/21
Great buyer! Timely with payment and communication.
- aikroa (Seller)
Positive (10/10/21) AatP The Grace Hymn of the Departure JSK 1 10/10/21
Great buyer with fast payment! Thanks for the smooth transaction :D
- Kanoi (Seller)
Positive (09/22/21) *DISCOUNTED* BtSSB The Secret Garden ~The Rose has a Secret Scent~ SP Set (JSK + KC) 09/22/21
Fast payment and good communication, thank you!
- sunny_rnot (Seller)
Positive (09/21/21) NWT)Angelic Pretty :Mercator Antique Shop Bustier Style JSK,wine 09/21/21
Great seller :) The shipping was really fast and the communication was friendly and smooth. Only can recommend!
- Mikulein (Buyer)
Positive (09/02/21) AP ~ Wonder Pâtisserie Headbow in sax 09/02/21
Thank you!
- Tenshi Shop (Seller)
Positive (08/29/21) Juliette et Justine Catalog and Postcard Set 08/29/21
Prompt payment and communication, thank you!
- Tenshi Shop (Seller)
Positive (08/29/21) Innocent World Letter Rabbit Letterset 08/29/21
Very nice buyer! Thank you!
- LINGRINNN (Seller)
Positive (08/01/21) BaroquexSakizo Antique Frames and Royal Jewelry Regular Jsk in gray 08/01/21
Wonderful buyer! Great communication and quick payment. Thank you!
- Adelia (Seller)
Positive (07/28/21) Angel necklace(white) 07/28/21
Prompt communication and fast payment. Lovely buyer A+
- greenfiend (Seller)
Positive (04/03/21) Infanta Black Thick Chiffon Long-sleeved Blouse 04/03/21
Quick payment and friendly. Thank you!
- ammorin (Seller)
Positive (02/18/21) Verum Le Musée de l'art d'images Imaginaires Tights 02/18/21