[damaged] Restyle bat bag

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Sold on: 01/10/21
Sold to: goldrush (+61, -0) (United Kingdom)

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(+209, -0)
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bought from someone, only used it once myself.
the main damage is the hand straps having been cut off, one of the metal strap clips and a moon pendant have been replaced and a logo from the inside of the purse was removed.
hoping someone who doesn't mind a crusty look or is good at repairing things will find this as i don't think i'll give it any use.
its around 36cm wide and 26cm tall

Shipping to Europe: €11
Shipping outside Europe: €14
Condition: Fair
Damage: Modified, Wrinkled, Missing Items
Colors: Black
Pattern: Bats
Category: Accessories
not responsible for the item once it's posted and i've provided you with the tracking code

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